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Film Synopsis and Shooting Schedule

[Note: This brief synopsis does not feature Vancouver’s arrival, so it was likely written after the Long Scenario (Document 1). The scene numbers in the Shooting Schedule correspond to the scenes as numbered in the Revised Scenario (Document 3), reinforcing the sequence as presented here. The typescript was transcribed and included in Holm and Quimby (1980: Appendix 3), with the minor variations that we note below. It is not clear whether Holm and Quimby worked from the same manuscript now at the Getty Research Institute (GRI) or a slightly different version of it.]

[One manuscript page]

Outline for scenario

of a three to five-reel (3000 to 5000 ft.) Motion Picture, it being presumed that this can be arranged for a full evening's entertainment or for a shorter time if needed.

[Outline for Scenario]
[Note: The GRI manuscript includes the following three paragraphs on one page, which are missing from Holm and Quimby. In fact the GRI includes a few slightly different variations on this page of text scattered throughout the Curtis collection.]

Geography of picture: The shores of Vancouver Island. Rocky, abrupt shoreline; in places, open beach. Narrow waterways, many small islands, in places heavy surf. Shore-line practically a virgin forest. Trees of great size, undergrowth so dense that it makes a veritable jungle.

Tribes live in many small villages scattered here and there at the edge of the water
on the bays and inlets. Natives large, vigorous, good-looking; temperament
vicious and sensual; proud to a degree, saturated with superstition, wrapped in ritualistic forms. Constant intertribal and intervillage warfare. They were head-hunters, and cannibalistic. Travel wholly by canoe, large and small. Depend largely on the sea for food; fish, shellfish, seal, porpoise, whale. Skilled in working wood with primitive tools.

Clothing: Men wore a single blanket of fur or woven from the bark of cedar-bark. Women used same type of blanket, and also went about wearing simply a cedar-bark skirt. A rain cape - poncho-like - made from the cedar-bark, was used by both sexes. Great wealth of most extraordinary ceremonial costumes. These are largely the masked characters participating in the ceremonies. Warriors dressed in striking and distinctive ways. War implements were short spears which could be used in canoes, war- clubs, bows and arrows, and war slings. The last were used for throwing heavy stones a great distance.

[Note: The following paragraph is transcribed in Holm and Quimby but is missing from the GRI manuscript. We include it here for completeness assuming that it exists in some other versions of this document].

On the shores of the North Pacific is the title of the coming dissolving effect. The opening picture is of a woman paddling her canoe along the moonlit waters, half in the shadow of the somber forest which touches the water' s edge in the way of this region. As her canoe glides silently through the waters she hears the revelry of the village which she is approaching. There appears the moonlit village with its long line of totem poles, and the fires gleaming before and in the many houses. Then we see approaching the village across the moonlit waters the visiting chief with the head-men of his tribe. They are singing songs of pride and greeting, and are answered by songs of welcome from the village.

[One page]

Outline of the Story

Motana, son of Kenada (Watsulis), falls in love with Naida, daughter of Waket (Paas). The Sorcerer, brother of Yaklus (Yilis), also desires her, and plots to kill Motana. While Motana sleeps, the Sorcerer's niece steals his neckband and a lock of hair. He reports this evident attempt on his life to his father, who sends men to demand Naida and to kill the Sorcerer. Yilis village is attacked, and the head of the Sorcerer is brought to Waket.

Bethrothal of Motana and Naida; building of house for them; dedicatory feast and dancing. Bridegroom's party goes to Paas; sham battle; wedding; return to Watsulis.

Yaklus sends warparty to avenge his brother. Killing or enslavement of clam diggers, fisherman, devilfish hunters. Attack on Watsulis at dawn. Capture of Naida, death of Kenada, wounding of Motana. The warparty returns to Yilis and a dance of victory is held. (Various masked characters.) Naida sends a fellow captive to beg Motana to rescue her. He is pursued, but escapes and reaches home. Motana raises a small party, rescues Naida, is pursued by Yaklus, whose canoes are overwhelmed in rapids.

[Shooting Schedule. Three numbered manuscript pages]
30 men, 20 women, painted canoes

{one day}

At Watsulis [sequence of scenes]
Village street 16
Return of Motana 54
Talk with Kenada 55
Departure of canoes 56
Canoes en route 57
Landing for night 58
Messenger canoe leaves fleet 59
||              ||     rejoins fleet    62
Fleet puts to sea 63
Departure of bridegroom’s party 83

 {one day}

Wedding canoe returns with bride 93
View of totem pole 94
Entering the Raven’s mouth  95
At Red Bluff  
Thunderbird dancer in canoe  85
Close approach of canoes  87

 {one day}

At Blunden Harbor (take over 2 new totems)  
Attack on Yilis 64-68
Kenada brings back head 69
Watchers on platform 84
||         ||        || 86
Canoe leaves shore 88
Sham fight on water 89
Bridegroom’s party enters house 90

 {one day}

At Kwaestums  
Hand-to-hand fight on a bluff Camera in stern of pursuing canoe. Fugitives clamber up cliff. Two men plunge off into water.
Scene revolving around tsonokwa -
At Tsatsisnuqumi  
Dances, 10-12 people, old house -

{two days}

In artificial house of Waket  
Bethrothal gift 70
Women dances 71
Departure of bridegroom’s party 72
Paying for the bride 91
Carrying bride to canoe 92
In artificial house of Motana  
Feast and dance in new house  82
In artificial house of Yaklus  
Masked dances 121-126
Fire dancer 137
Display of heads and scalps 138
Demand the death of Naida 139
Naida dances before Yaklus 142
Thunderbird dismisses dancers 143
Yaklus discovers flight of Naida 160
Rush of people to the beach 161
Looting of a house   103 [Note: Holm and Quimby are missing the scene # here]

30 men, 20 women, blackened canoes

{one day}

At Watsulis [sequence of scenes]
Yaklus warriors swoop into bay 102
Capture of Naida 104
Naida dragged to canoe 105
Fight between rival claimants 106
Kenada killed 107
Burning house, falling totem 108
Victors depart 109
Survivors find Motana, wounded 110
Motana seeks Naida in flames 112
Motana falls in the smoke 113
Motana drags himself out 114

{one day}

At Shell Island or Red Bluff  
Clam diggers 97
The fishermen 98
The devilfish hunters 99
Warriors with gory head 100
At some beach (supposedly Yilis) to be selected  
Yaklus warparty assembling 96
Returning war canoes 117
War canoes, Naida and Slave 118
Women dancing on shore 119
Prisoners led to village 120

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