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Selected for the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress, this early drama released in 1914 is an amazing film produced in collaboration with Native Americans. In this story of love and revenge among the Kwakwaka'wakw of British Columbia, Motana, the son of a great chief, goes on a vigil journey. Through fasting and hardships he hopes to gain the supernatural strength that will make him a chief as powerful as his father. Curtis showcases the Kwakwaka'wakw's magnificent war canoes, totem poles, rituals, costumes and dancing.

To prepare for the film's centennial, Milestone Films is working with the UCLA Film & Television Archive, The Field Museum, the Getty Research Institute, and Professors Aaron Glass and Brad Evans to release a deluxe edition of the newly restored film along with extensive bonus features, including an exceptional recording of the original 1914 musical score by the Vancouver-based Turning Point Ensemble.