Chronological survey of books about Edward Curtis
Scholarly discussions of Curtis’s film
Resources on the Kwakwaka’wakw and the potlatch prohibition
Resources on the history of Native Americans in Film
Filmography: Fictional and Nonfictional Representations of Native Americans in Film up to 1914
Chronological survey of books about Edward Curtis:
(* indicates recommended volumes for scholarly content)
- Curtis, Edward, In the Land of the Head Hunters. Indian Life and Lore Series. World Book Company. [reprinted in 1992]
- Andrews, Ralph, Curtis’s Western Indians: the Life and Works of Edward S. Curtis. Bonanza Books.
- Curtis, Edward, The North American Indians. [Reprint of the entire series by Johnson Reprint Co.]
- *McLuhan, T.C, Touch the Earth: A Self Portrait of Indian Existence. Promontory Press.
- Fowler, Don, In a Sacred Manner We Live: Photos of the North American Indian. Barre Publishers.
- *Coleman A.D. and T.C. McLuhan, Portraits from North American Indian Life by Edward S. Curtis. Promontory Press. [reprinted 1992]
- Brown, Joseph Epes, The North American Indian: A Selection of Photographs by Edward S. Curtis. Aperture. [reprinted 1988]
- Curtis, Edward (Gifford, ed.), The Portable Curtis: Selected Writings on Edward S. Curtis. Creative Arts Book Co.
- *Graybill, Florence and Victor Boesen, Edward Sheriff Curtis: Visions of a Vanishing Race. Houghton Mifflin.
- Rice, Leland, Edward S. Curtis: The Kwakiutl, 1910-1914. From the Estate of Edward S. Curtis. Collection of Randee and G. Ray Hawkins. University of California Fine Arts Gallery.
- *Gidley, Mick, The Vanishing Race: Selections from Edward S. Curtis’s North American Indian. Taplinger Publishing. [reprinted in 1987]
- Boesen, Victor and Florence Grabill, Edward S. Curtis: Photographer of the North American Indian. Dodd, Mead & Co.
- Bierhorst, John and Edward Curtis, The Girl who Married a Ghost and other Tales from the North American Indian. Four Winds Press.
- Varley, Christopher, Edward S. Curtis in the Collection of the Edmonton Art Gallery [exhibition catalogue].
- *Holm, Bill and George Quimby, Edward S. Curtis in the Land of the War Canoes. University of Washington Press.
- *Lyman, Christopher, The Vanishing Race and Other Illusions: Photographs of Indians by Edward S. Curtis. Pantheon Books.
- *Davis, Barbara, Edward S. Curtis: the Life and Times of a Shadow Catcher. Chronicle Books.
- reprint of Gidley 1977
- reprint of Brown 1972
- Curtis, Edward, Photographs by Edward S. Curtis with Northwest Coast Indian artifacts from the Florida State Museum. [exhibition catalogue].
- facsimile reprint of Curtis 1915 (Ten Speed Press)
- reprint of Coleman and McLuhan 1972 (BBS Publishing Corporation)
- Curtis, Edward, Native American Wisdom (miniature edition). Running Press.
- Cardozo, Christopher, George Horsecapture, and Edward Curtis, Native Nations: The First Americans as Seen by Edward S. Curtis. Calloway Editions (Bulfinch Press).
- Northern, Tamara and Wendi-Starr Brown, To Image and to See: Crow Indian Photographs by Edward S. Curtis and Richard Throssel, 1905-1910. Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College. [exhibition catalogue]
- Pritzer, Barry, Edward S. Curtis. Crescent Books.
- Rh Value Publishing, Edward S Curtis American Art. Gramercy.
- Lawlor, Laurie, Shadow Catcher: The Life and Work of Edward S. Curtis. Walker.
- Lowry, Shannon, Natives of the Far North: Alaska’s Vanishing Culture in the Eyes of Edward S. Curtis. Stackpole Books.
- Brayham, Angela, Art of Ethnography: A critical analysis of Edward S. Curtis' The North American Indian. Unpublished dissertation.
- Beck, Tom, The Art of Edward S. Curtis. Chartwell.
- Hausman, Gerald and Bob Kapour, Prayer to the Great Mystery: Uncollected Writings of Edward S. Curtis. St. Martins Press.
- Cardozo, Christopher, Edward S. Curtis: Native Family. Calloway Editions (Bulfinch Press).
- Cardozo, Christopher, Edward S. Curtis: Chiefs and Warriors. Calloway Editions (Bulfinch Press).
- Cardozo, Christopher, Edward S. Curtis: Hidden Faces. Calloway Editions (Bulfinch Press).
- Cardozo, Christopher, Edward S. Curtis: The Great Plains. Calloway Editions (Bulfinch Press).
- Day, Sara, Heart of the Circle: Photographs by Edward S. Curtis of Native American Women. Pomegranate Artbooks,
- Adam, Hans Christian. The North American Indian: the Complete Portfolios. Taschen. [reprinted 2006]
- *Gidley, Mick, Edward S. Curtis and the North American Indian, Incorporated. Cambridge University Press.
- Horse Capture, Joseph, Christopher Cardozo, and N. Scott Momaday, Sacred Legacy: Edward S. Curtis and the North American Indian. Simon and Schuster. [reprinted 2004]
- Curtis, Edward, Ghost Dance: Exhibiting paradox: Edward S. Curtis photogravures, selections from the Grinnell College art collection. [exhibition catalogue].
- Kennedy, Martha H., Martha A. Sandweiss, Mick Gidley and Duane Niatum, The Plains Indian Photographs of Edward S. Curtis.
- Worswick, Clark, Edward Curtis: The Master Prints. Arena Editions.
- Philip, Neil, Weave Little Stars into My Sleep: Native American Lullabies. Clarion Books.
- *Makepeace, Anne, Edward S. Curtis: Coming to Light. National Geographic Books.
- Green, Malcom, Catherine Henry and Edward Curtis, Native Americans Taschen.
- Curtis, Edward, Songs of the Earth: A Timeless Collection of Native American Wisdom. Courage Books.
- *Gidley, Mick (ed.) Edward S. Curtis and the North American Indian Project in the Field. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
- Cardozo, Christopher, Harman Lomawaima and Anne Makepeace, Edward S. Curtis: Great Warriors. Bulfinch.
- reprint of Horse Capture, Cardozo and Momaday 2000.
- Cardozo, Christopher, Louise Erdrich, and Anne Makepeace, Edward S. Curtis: The Women. Bulfinch.
- Philip, Neil, In a Sacred Manner I Live: Native American Wisdom. Clarion Books.
- Gulbrandsen, Don. Edward S. Curtis: Visions of the First Americans. Chartwell Books.
- Upham, Steadman and Nat Zappia, The Many Faces of Edward Sherriff Curtis: Portraits and Stories from Native North America. University of Washington Press.
- reprint of Adam 1997
- Wiggins, Marianne, The Shadow Catcher; A Novel. Simon and Schuster.
- Cheuse, Alan. 2008. To Catch the Lightning: A Novel of American Dreaming. Naperville, IN: Sourcebooks Landmark.
- Scherer, Joanna Cohan, Edward Sheriff Curtis. Phaidon Press.
- Egan, Timothy. Short Nights of the Shadow Catcher: The Epic Life and Immortal Photographs of Edward Curtis. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Scholarly discussions of Curtis’s film:
Bunn-Marcuse, Kathryn (2005) “Kwakwaka’wakw on Film.” In Ute Lischke and David McNab (eds) Walking a Tightrope: Aboriginal People and Their Representations. Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
Evans, Brad (1998) “Commentary: Catherine Russell’s recovery of the Head-Hunters.” Visual Anthropology 11(3):221-41.
Gidley, Mick (1998) Edward S. Curtis and the North American Indian, Incorporated. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Griffiths, Alison (2002) Wondrous Difference: Cinema, Anthropology, and Turn-of-the-Century Visual Culture. New York: Columbia Univ. Press.
Hearne, Joanna (2006) “Telling and retelling in the ‘Ink of Light’: documentary cinema, oral narratives, and indigenous identities.” Screen 47(3):307-26.
Holm, Bill and George I. Quimby (1980) Edward S. Curtis in the Land of the War Canoes: A Pioneer Cinematographer in the Pacific Northwest. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Morris, Rosalind (1994) New Worlds from Fragments: Film, Ethnography, and the Representation of Northwest Coast Cultures. Boulder: Westview Press.
Quimby, George (1990) “The Mystery of the first documentary film.” Pacific Northwest Quarterly 81 (April):50-53.
Rony, Fatimah T. (1996) “Gestures of self-protection: the picturesque and the travelogue.“ The Third Eye: Race, Cinema, and Ethnographic Spectacle. Durham: Duke University Press.
Ruby, Jay (2000) Picturing Culture: Explorations of Film and Anthropology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Russell, Catherine (1999) “Playing primitive.“ Experimental Ethnography: The Work of Film in the Age of Video. Durham: Duke University Press.
Scandiffio, Theresa (2001) “Choreographing the Past: Edward S. Curtis’ In the Land of the Head-Hunters.” MA thesis, Graduate Programme in Film and Video, York University, North York, Ontario.
Wakeham, Pauline (2006) “Becoming Documentary: Edward Curtis’s In the Land of the Headhunters and the politics of archival reconstruction.” Canadian Review of American Studies 36(3): 293-309.
Resources on the Kwakwaka’wakw and the potlatch prohibition:
Assu, Harry with Joy Inglis (1989) Assu of Cape Mudge: Recollections of a Coastal Indian Chief. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.
Boas, Franz (1966) Kwakiutl Ethnography. Helen Codere (ed). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Bracken, Christopher (1997) The Potlatch Papers: A Colonial Case History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Cannizzo, Jeanne (1983) “George Hunt and the invention of Kwakiutl culture.” Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 20: 44-58.
Clifford, James (1997) “Four Northwest Coast Museums: Travel Reflections.” In Routes: Travel and Translation in the Late Twentieth Century. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Codere, Helen (1950) Fighting with Property: A Study of Kwakiutl Potlatching and Warfare 1792-1930. Monographs of the American Ethnological Society #18. New York: J.J. Augustin Publisher.
Cole, Douglas and Ira Chaikin (1990) An Iron Hand Upon the People: The Law Against the Potlatch on the Northwest Coast. Vancouver: Douglas and McIntyre.
Curtis, Edward (1915) “The Kwakiutl.” The North American Indian Vol. 10. New York: Johnson Reprint Corp. Reprinted 1978.
Drucker, Phillip (1940) Kwakiutl Dancing Societies. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Duff, Wilson (1964) The Indian History of British Columbia. Vol 1: The Impact of the White Man. Victoria: Provincial Museum of British Columbia.
Fisher, Robin (1977) Contact and Conflict: Indian-European relations in British Columbia, 1774-1890. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.
Ford, Clellan (1941) Smoke From Their Fires: The Life of a Kwakiutl Chief. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Galois, Robert (1994) Kwakwaka’wakw Settlements, 1775-1920: A Geographical Analysis and Gazetteer. Vancouver: UBC Press.
Glass, Aaron (2004) “’The Thin edge of the wedge’: dancing around the potlatch ban, 1922-1951.” In Naomi Jackson (ed.) Dancing for Rights/Rights to Dance. Banff, Canada: Banff Centre Press.
Gough, Barry (1982) “A Priest Versus the Potlatch: the Reverend Alfred James Hall and the Fort Rupert Kwakiutl, 1879-1880.” Journal of the Canadian Church Historical Society 24(2): 75-89.
Hawthorn, Audrey (1979) Kwakiutl Art. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.
Holm, Bill (1983) Smoky-Top: The Art and Times of Willie Seaweed. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Jacknis, Ira (2002) The Storage Box of Tradition: Kwakiutl Art, Anthropologists, and Museums, 1881-1981.Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press.
Jonaitis, Aldona (ed.) (1991) Chiefly Feasts: The Enduring Kwakiutl Potlatch. New York: American Museum of Natural History.
LaViolette, Forrest (1961) The Struggle for Survival: Indian Cultures and the Protestant Ethic in British Columbia. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Loo, Tina (1992) “Dan Cranmer’s Potlatch: law as coercion, symbol, and rhetoric in British Columbia, 1884-1951.” Canadian Historical Review 73 (2):125-165.
Macnair, Peter (1995) “From Kwakiutl to Kwakwaka’wakw.” In R.B. Morrison and C. R. Wilson (eds.) Native Peoples: The Canadian Experience. 2nd ed. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart.
Masco, Joseph (1995) “’It is a strict law that bids us dance’: cosmologies, colonialism, death and ritual authority in the Kwakwaka’wakw potlatch, 1849-1922.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 37(1):41-75.
Raibmon, Paige (2000) “Theatres of contact: the Kwakwaka’wakw meet colonialism in British Columbia and at the Chicago World’s Fair.” Canadian Historical Review 81(2):157-90.
Reid, Martine and Daisy Sewid-Smith (eds.) (2004) Padding to Where I Stand: Agnes Alfred, Qwiqwasutinuxw Noblewoman. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.
Sewid-Smith, Daisy (1979) Prosecution or Persecution. Cape Mudge, BC: Nu-yum-balees Society.
Spradley, James (1969) Guests Never Leave Hungry: The Autobiography of James Sewid, a Kwakiutl Indian. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Webster, Gloria Cranmer (1992) “From colonization to repatriation.” in Gerald McMaster and Lee-Ann Martin (eds.) Indigena: Contemporary Native Perspectives. Vancouver: Douglas and McIntyre.
Related documentary films:
- In the Land of the War Canoes. [with 2 short documentaries following.] Edited by Bill Holm and George Quimby. 1973. [Milestone]
- The Shadow Catcher: Edward S. Curtis and the North American Indian. By T.C. McLuhan. 1974. [Mystic Fire Video]
- Potlatch! A Strict Law Bids us Dance. By Dennis Wheeler. Produced by U’mista Cultural Society. 1975. [U’mista Cultural Centre]
- Box of Treasures. By Chuck Olin. Produced by U’mista Cultural Society. 1983. [U’mista Cultural Centre; Documentary Education Resources]
- Shooting Indians: A Journey with Jeffrey Thomas. By Ali Kuzimi. 1997. [Mongrel Media]
- Coming to Light: Edward S. Curtis and the American Indian. By Anne Makepeace. 2000. [National Geographic Films]
- In Search of the Hamat’sa: A Tale of Headhunting. By Aaron Glass. 2004. [Documentary Education Resources; Royal Anthropological Institute; IWF]
Links to related pages:
Links on Edward Curtis:
- Edward S. Curtis's The North American Indian
- American Memory from the Library of Congress
- Edward Curtis, Shadow Catcher - American Masters
Links on Kwakwaka’wakw culture:
Resources on the history of Native Americans in Film:
Aleiss, Angela (2005) Making the White Man’s Indian: Native Americans and Hollywood Movies. Westport, CT: Praeger.
Bataille, Gretchen and Bob Hicks. (1990) “American Indians in Popular Films,” in eds. Paul Loukides and Linda K. Fuller, Stock Characters in American Popular Film. Bowling Green State Univ. Press.
Bataille, Gretchen and Charles L. P. Silet (1985) Images of American Indians on Film: An Annotated Bibliography. New York: Garland Publishing.
Bataille, Gretchen and Charles L. P. Silet (1980) The Pretend Indians: Images of Native Americans in the Movies. Ames, Iowa: The Iowa State Univ. Press.
Buscombe, Edward (2006) ‘Injuns!’: Native Americans in the Movies. Cornwall, UK: Reaktion Books.
Deloria, Philip J. (2004) Indians in Unexpected Places. Lawrence, KS: Kansas Univ. Press.
Griffiths, Alison (2002) Wondrous Difference: Cinema, Anthropology & Turn-of-the-Century Visual Culture. New York: Columbia Univ. Press.
MacDougall, David (1998) Transcultural Cinema. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press.
Rosenthal, Nicolas (2005) “Representing Indians: Native American Actors on Hollywood’s Frontier. The Western Historical Quarterly 36.3 (2005): 31 pars. 24 Mar. 2008 .
Ruby, Jay (2000) Picturing Culture: Explorations of Film and Anthropology. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press. (Includes a documentation of meetings between Curtis and Robert Flaherty.)
Russell, Catherine (1999) Experimental Ethnography: The Work of Film in the Age of Video. Durham: Duke Univ. Press.
Simmon, Scott (2003) The Invention of the Western Film: A Cultural History of the Genre’s First Half-Century. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press.
Toby, Fatimah Tobing (1996) The Third Eye: Race, Cinema, and Ethnographic Spectacle. Durham: Duke Univ. Press.
Verhoeff, Nanna (2006) The West in Early Cinema: After the Beginning. Amsterdam: Amsterdam Univ. Press.
Weatherford, Elizabeth (1981) Native Americans on Film and Video. New York: Museum of the American Indian/Heye Foundation.
Filmography: Fictional and Nonfictional Representations of Native Americans in Film up to 1914
- Annie Oakley (Edison, 1894)
- Buffalo Bill (Edison, 1894)
- Buffalo Dance (Edison, 1894)
- Indian War Council (Edison, 1894)
- Sioux Ghost Dance (Edison, 1894)
- Eagle Dance, Pueblo Indians (Edison, 1898)
- Indian Day School (Edison, 1898)
- Wand Dance, Pueblo Indians (Edison, 1898)
- War Dance, Pueblo Indians (Edison, 1898)
- Esquimaux Game of Snap-the-Whip (Edison, 1901)
- Esquimaux Leap Frog (Edison, 1901)
- Esquimaux Village (Edison, 1901)
- Indian Dances and Customs (Edison, 1901)
- Moki Snake Dance by Wolpi Inidans (Edison, 1901)
- Panoramic View of Moki-Land (Edison, 1901)
- Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Parade (Biograph, 1902)
- Club Swinging, Carlisle Indian School (Biograph, 1902)
- Firing the Cabin (American Mutoscope and Biograph, 1903)
- Kit Carson (American Mutoscope and Biograph, 1903)
- A Midnight Phantasy (American Mutoscope and Biograph, 1903)
- The Pioneers (American Mutoscope and Biograph, 1903)
- Settler’s Home Life (American Mutoscope and Biograph, 1903)
- Brush Between Cowboys and Indians (Edison, 1904)
- Indiens et cow-boys (Pathé, France, 1904)
- Moqui Indian Rain Dance (Biograph, 1904)
- Kanaka Fishermen Casting a “Throw Newt” Hilo, Hawaiian Islands (Edison, 1906)
- Life of a Cowboy (Edison, 1906)
- Native Canoes (Edison, 1906)
- The Call of the Wild (American Mutoscope and Biograph, 1908), dir. D. W. Griffith
- The Girl and the Outlaw (Biograph, 1908), dir. D. W. Griffith
- Hiawatha (Joseph K. Dixon, 1908)
- Indian Communication: Sign Language of the North American Indian (Joseph K. Dixon 1908-1913)
- Kentuckian (American Mutoscope and Biograph, 1908)
- The Red Girl (Biograph, 1908), dir. D. W. Griffith
- The Redman and the Child (Biograph, 1908)
- The Aborigine’s Devotion (World Film Mfg. Co., 1909)
- Comata, the Sioux (Biograph, 1909), dir. D. W. Griffith
- The Indian Runner’s Romance (Biograph, 1909), dir. D. W. Griffith
- Leather Stocking (Biograph, 1909), dir. D. W. Griffith
- The Mended Lute (Biograph, 1909), dir D. W. Griffith
- The Redman’s View (Biograph, 1909), dir. D. W. Griffith
- A Western Hero (Pathé, France, 1909)
- The Broken Doll (Biograph, 1910), dir. D. W. Griffith
- That Chink at Golden Gulch (Biograph, 1910), dir. D. W. Griffith
- Fighting the Iriquois in Canada (Klaem, 1910)
- Her Indian Mother (Kalem, 1910)
- Indian Western (Selig, 1910)
- A Mohawk’s Way (Biograph, 1910), dir. D. W. Griffith
- Over Silent Paths (Biograph, 1910), dir. D. W. Griffith
- Ramona: A Story of the White Man’s Injustice to the Indian (Biograph, 1910), dir. D. W. Griffith
- Red Girl and the Child (Pathé, 1910), dir. James Young Deer
- Red Eagle’s Love Affair (aka The Love of a Sioux) (Lubin, 1910)
- Romance of the Western Hills (Biograph, 1910), dir. D. W. Griffith
- The Song of the Wildwood Flute (Biorgraph, 1910), dir. D. W. Griffith
- Stolen by Indians (Champion, 1910)
- The Twisted Trail (Biograph, 1910), dir. D. W. Griffith
- White Fawn’s Devotion (Pathé, 1910), dir. James Young Deer
- Captain Brand’s Wife (Selig Polyscope, 1911)
- The Chief’s Daughter (Biograph, 1911), dir. D. W. Griffith
- The Curse of the Red Man (Selig, 1911)
- Eskimos in Labrador (Edison, 1911)
- The Last Drop of Water (Biograph, 1911), dir. D. W. Griffith
- Little Dove’s Romance (New York Motion Picture Co./Bison, 1911)
- Old Indian Days (Pathé, 1911), dir. James Young Deer
- On the War Path (Kalem, 1911)
- Red Deer’s Devotion (Pathé, 1911), dir. James Young Deer
- A Redkin’s Bravery (New York Motion Picture Co./Bison, 1911)
- The Squaw’s Love (Biograph, 1911), dir. D. W. Griffith
- Tangled Lives: A Strange Culmination of the Seminole War (Kalem, 1911)
- An Up-to-Date Squaw (Pathé Freres, 1911)
- Was He a Coward? (Biograph, 1911), dir. D. W. Griffith
- The Battle of the Red Men (New York Motion Picture Co./101-Bison, 1912), dir. Thomas Ince
- Blazing the Trail (New York Motion Picture Co./101-Bison, 1912), dir. Thomas Ince
- Buck’s Romance (Selig Polyscope, 1912)
- Ceremonies of the Hopi Indians (McCormick, 1912)
- Custer’s Last Fight (New York Motion Picture Co./101-Bison, 1912), prod. Thomas Ince
- The Fall of Black Hawk (American Film Manufacturing Co., 1912)
- For the Papoose (Pathé Freres, 1912)
- A Frontier Soldier of Fortune (Comet, 1912)
- The Indian Massacre (aka The Heart of an Indian) (New York Motion Picture Co./101-Bison, 1912), prod. Thomas Ince
- The Invaders (New York Motion Picture Co./Kay-Bee, 1912), prod. Thomas Ince
- Iola’s Promise (Biograph, 1912), dir. D. W. Griffith
- The Life of Buffalo Bill (Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill Film Co., 1912)
- The Massacre (Biograph, 1912), dir. D. W. Griffith
- For the Papoose (Pathé, 1912), dir. James Young Deer
- Snake Dance of the Hopi Indians (McCormick, 1912)
- The Spirit Awakened (Biograph, 1912), dir. D. W. Griffith
- i (Biograph, 1912), dir. D. W. Griffith
- The Tourists (Biograph, 1912), dir. Mack Sennett
- War on the Plains (New York Motion Picture Co./101-Bison, 1912), prod. Thomas Ince
- The Wild West Circus (New York Motion Picture Co./101-Bison, 1912), dir. Thomas Ince
- The Battle at Elderbush Gulch (Biograph, 1913), dir. D. W. Griffith
- Camping with the Blackfeet (Edison, 1913)
- The Cliff Dwellers (Kalem, 1913)
- Hiawatha (Gaumont/Fort Deifaince Film Co., 1913)
- Indian and Ceylonese Types (Éclair, 1913)
- Injuns (Powers Picture Plays, Universal, 1913)
- Maya, Just an Indian (Frontier, 1913)
- A Pueblo Legend (Biograph, 1913) dir. D. W. Griffith
- Arctic Hunt (Frank E. Kleinschmidt, 1914)
- The Death Mask (aka The Redskin Duel) (New York Motion Picture Co./Kay-Bee, 1914), prod. Thomas Ince
- The End of the Robe (Kalem, 1914), cast Mona Darkfeather
- The Gambler of the West (Klaw & Erlanger, 1914)
- In the Days of the Thundering Herd (Selig Polyscope, 1914), cast includes Princess Red Wing
- The Indian (Klaw and Erlanger, 1914)
- The Indian Wars (Buffalo Bill Cody, 1914)
- In the Land of the Head Hunters (Edward S. Curtis, 1914)
- The Squaw Man (Jesse L. Lasky Feature Play Co., 1914), dir. Cecil B. DeMille and Oscar Apfel
- Strongheart (Klaw and Erlanger, 1914)
- The Virginian (Jesse L. Lasky Feature Play Co., 1914), dir. Cecil B. DeMille and Oscar Apfel
- White Dove’s Sacrifice (Sawyer, 1914)
For an annotated list of silent films having substantial American Indian content, see the website established by the Library of Congress’s Motion Picture and Television Reading Room.