The first clip (courtesy The Field Museum) is from the unrestored version of the film. It is taken from the copy made by The Field Museum on 16mm safety film shortly after receiving the donation of Hugo Zeiter’s original 35mm copy in 1947. This copy, catalogued for many years by The Field as The Vigil of Motana after the first title card in the film, was the one used by Holm and Quimby for their version of the film, In the Land of the War Canoes, in 1973. For the current restoration, The Vigil of Motana copy enabled recovery of the melodramatic intertitles; however, it retains no trace of the original color tinting and toning and is devoid of any references to Curtis.
The second set of clips is from the 1973 version of the film, In the Land of the War Canoes (courtesy University of Washington Press and Milestone Films), notable for the addition of the Kwak'wala-language soundtrack and new intertitles.
The final set of clips is from the newly restored 2014 version of In the Land of the Head Hunters (courtesy Milestone Films, UCLA Film & Television Archives, and The Field Museum). As described in detail elsewhere on this website, the new version is drawn from both the Field Museum copy of the film and the remains of a 35mm nitrate copy of the film discovered at UCLA. The fourth clip in the series shows one sequence from the original nitrate, which was used to reconstruct the coloring from 1914, and from which one can begin to imagine the definitional quality of the original.